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Front of Dalmore 18 YRS 750ml

Dalmore 18 YRS 750ml



Since its inception in 1839, a long line of whisky pioneers at the helm of The Dalmore distillery have been going above and beyond to create exceptional single malt. The unique distillation at The Dalmore produces a complex new make spirit which can be matured for longer and in a greater variety of casks than any other. Master Distiller Richard Paterson travels the globe to hand-select only the finest casks in which to mature The Dalmore. Building on the foundation of the great men who went before him, he continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in the art of whisky making.

Product attribute Value
SKU B_100996
Brand Dalmore
Quantity per case 6
Category Spirits
Type Whiskey
Region/Specific Single Malt Scotch > The Highlands
Varietal nan

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